Linda experiences alpha-theta training #2
June 6, 2005
Today I had another session with Dr. Staso. It has been almost a month since I saw him. I am happy to report that I did well during this month. I thought maybe that meant my mind had nothing more to process in the neurofeedback sessions, but after today, I don't think that's the case. The session went similarly to the last one. I am trying to understand the exact state my brain is in during the session, because it is this weird in-between stage of not really being asleep, but not really awake. I again had several nightmare reactions, lots of twitching and lights flashing. It's kind of scary because it seems like my body and subconscious know what is going on, but my conscious brain is not quite sure what all the commotion is about. Even so, it's an enjoyable experience in a way that I just can't explain. I think maybe it's that I realize that whatever it is that is happening, it is helping me, and only good things are coming from it. I am in a really good mood.
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