Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Reversing cognitive decline

I had about 60 attendees at my lecture and many asked questions about how they can get their fading memory back.  I offered several solutions that include: exercise 20 minutes daily, reduce calories by 30%, fast one day each week, get 7-8 hours of solid sleep, lower your stress levels, maintain a good social support network, keep learning, and get some neurofeedback.  A recent study showed how as little as 10 sessions of SMR (12-15 Hz) training significantly improved memory, attention, and cognitive processing.  I am offering a copy of my powerpoint slide presentation to anyone who would like to see it.  It covers the above topics in greater detail. 

Public Lecture

I will be giving a public lecture on "Preventing and Reversing Age Related Cognitive Decline" at Cottage Hospital Ground Rounds, June 11, 2014 from 12:00-1:30.